the blue zone

Good living and longevity

February 28, 20242 min read

"The more people who live under the one roof, the longer and healthier and happier the family life expectancy will be."

- Professor Ian Brighthope.

During this presentation Professor Brighthope discusses the weakness of modern medicine and the disease-based model.

"We've got the best doctors in the world and this country, when they practice medicine carefully and properly they do a good job. What I'm going to talk about today is what is missing in our healthcare system".

Ian explains that communities that live the longest with the least amount of chronic disease, have the best family and community connections, and eat natural, home-grown foods.

mediterranean diet

What is healthy ageing?​

Healthy ageing means maintaining our social connections. Avoiding loneliness. Reduce life stresses. Getting adequate amounts of sunlight. Enough proper sleep. Regular exercise. Access to healthy food. Living in a healthy environment. And access to good supplements.

So, first of all, the way to ageing in a healthy manner, is to reduce loneliness and social isolation.

If we're lonely and we're isolated socially, that is a very poor prognosis as far as healthy ageing is concerned.

Loneliness can increase the risk of premature death to levels comparable to smoking daily. Did you know that? The more people who live under the one roof, the longer and healthier and happier the family life expectancy will be.

Having a balanced life, plenty of vitamins, children and family all around you, that's what matters.

One third of the population is affected by social isolation in developed countries, and this problem is only increasing. Isolation is identified as bad as smoking, as I mentioned carries a greater risk than obesity. Social isolation is linked to heart disease, cancer, depression, diabetes, suicide, etc.

So the way to healthy ageing is through a good, close knit family, and a solid social group.

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