
Who are we?

We are a group of volunteers who came together in August 2022 to stand up to the lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Melbourne, Australian was touted by the Premier as as being the ‘most locked down city in the world’. The consequences have been destroyed businesses, broken relationships between friends and families and now, a rising number of vaccine injuries.We care passionately about our community, our country and want to see good health and common sense restored.

What are we trying to achieve?

World of Wellness or ‘the WOW’ believes that health comes from good nutritious food, exercise and a positive outlook.We offer an alternative to the governments policy of locking people in their homes for months on end and forcing them to repeatedly take experimental injections.

Why is WOW a private membership site?

Several reasons. The first is the increasing censorship of anything that contradicts government health officials policies. Just talking about natural immunity, vitamin D, C and Zinc can get you sacked in today’s world. We need to protect ourselves and the community we are trying to build.The second is the need to survive financially. We won’t be able to meet our goals unless we can at least cover our running costs.

Where does your money go?

We have a treasurer who monitors our income, pays our bills and keeps a tally of costs.Our main outgoings are currently website development, printing of graphics and promotional material and the costs of running IV vitamin C training courses.We are currently applying for Not for Profit status and when that is through, we hope to promote WOW to philanthropic groups and individuals as a way to give back to the community, while receiving a tax deduction.

Where do you expect to be in five years?

WOW already has an affiliation with ten health and freedom-focused organisations.We hope to grow into a substantial organisation that connects with international groups like the World Council for Health. WOW would like to expand its natural therapies training program to include both Doctors and the general public.Professor Brighthope would like a million people to come together and lobby politicians and business leaders.We hope to be able to say ‘never again’ to lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Where do you see this organisation in ten year's time?

This organisation will be a thriving hub of resources for the community to access conveniently, with the ability to make private referrals to other wellness consultants.We are here to promote the global movement towards natural therapies, with links to best practice from science and medical groups.We aim to separate health from politics, return trust to the best practices of medicine and to prevent bureaucrats from interfering in the patient Doctor relationship.We believe that in the future Australians will take more control over their own health decisions.And the already popular wholistic therapies community will grow to become the largest sector in healthcare, with Medicare rebate available.

Common Queries

Is Ian Brighthope available for a medical consultation?

Ian Brighthope is no longer a licensed and practicing medical professional. However he gives a lot of pubic talks about how to improve your immune system and he also passes on his skills to other Doctors via medical education programs. If you sign up for a subscription to WOW you will be able to download and read his five books and watch his talks that we preserve on videos.

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I have a medical condition. What shall I do?

There are a number of practitioners in Australia that support a holistic approach to health. If you sign up for a subscription to WOW you will be able to access our directory and find a Doctor or naturopath that meets your needs. Just go to the home page and under the section 'Join Us Today' sign up for a membership. We look forward to us joining our community.

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I am vaccine injured. Do you have any way to help me?

WOW has a range of protocols for managing many chronic diseases, from cancer to covid to vaccine injuries. If  you sign up for a subscription you will be able to access them all.

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I can't log in. What shall I do?

Please go to the contact page, fill in your details and tick the 'website/Tech issues' button. We will be in touch very soon.

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I'd like to enquire about a WOW membership. What do you offer?

WOW has a range of protocols for managing many chronic diseases, from cancer to covid to vaccine injuries.

We have a directory of practitioners and innovative health services who offer a holistic and consumer-based approach to healthcare.

We have a library of video's all the zoom interviews and public events we have held. These feature public figures in Australia and natural health practitioners. These videos are available to our members at their convenience.

Ian Brighthope's five books are available as a downloadable PDF for our members.

We have a weekly newsletter that keeps our member updated on WOW activities, as well as events across Australia and the world.

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Can I suggest a range of charities that WOW should support?

WOW is a small and self funded group that works hard to give our members a wide range of services, from directory of practitioners to books by Ian Brighthope to download and videos of our guest speakers. 

We still to our mission while respecting other causes in the community.

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How to video's

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How to use the WOW community group

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