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Gut health - Damian presents in-depth facts and concepts

Damian Kristof Live at The WOW 21st of July

Special guest Sunday 21st July : Damian Kristof, Gut first!

Nutritionist, Naturopath and Chiropractor, Dr Damian Kristof is a highly sought after presenter and speaker in the Wellness industry.
With over 20 years of experience, Damian’s in-depth knowledge of the body, nervous system food functions and responses coupled with his friendly and dynamic presenting style, has him in high demand. Focusing on food as key to unlocking optimal health and wellness,
Damian presents in-depth facts and concepts that have never before been readily available to the public - offering all audiences from industry experts to the general public highly valuable content
as he engages, educates and inspires audiences across the globe.

When:3pm-5pm Sunday 21st July 2024

Where: Hampton Uniting Church hall, at 17 Service Street Hampton

There will be tea and coffee plus biscuits available.

A $5 venue hire donation/contribution would be great and will be collected at the entrance.

Come and join us for our weekly meetings to collaborate, learn and see where you can help.

We need all hands on deck to create our new wellness community.

WOW international is all about working together as a powerful team.

Our aim is to gather 1 million members ASAP so we can truly create leverage and make the change and have the impact we all seek.

Looking forward to having another full room this week.

IV Vitamin C Course

COURSE DETAILS: Online IV Vitamin C workshops

Now available to anyone in Australia and New Zealand


August workshop

The workshop will run on Monday evenings over 3 consecutive weeks: Monday 5th August, 12th August, and 19th August


members: $90; non-members: $130

The workshop is packed with information and is aimed at Health Care Practitioners and anyone with a keen interest in health.

The Program

Monday 5th August, 7pm to 9pm: Professor Ian Brighthope will speak on the Theory of Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy.

Monday 12th August, 7pm to 9pm: Robyn Plummer, Mobile Infusion Nurse, will speak on the Practical Applications of Intravenous Vitamin C and other Intravenous Nutraceuticals

Monday 19th August, 7pm to 8pm: Allyson Murray will speak on the theory and applications of Ozone Therapy and Live Blood Analysis.

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