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Bronwyn Holm - 13th October 2024

Special guest Sunday 13th October : Bronwyn Holm - How to grow healthy backyard food

Bronwyn is an international keynote speaker in Hemp and Regenerative Agriculture, and Food as Medicine conferences.

This is an unmissable talk on the biology of botanical growing.

Learn about -

• the biology of plants and soil
• how to maximise the growth
• use little effort and saving money to do so
• food as medicines and how this is.

Bring your friends and your plant growing issues and Bronwyn will show you the way to save your lawn, bees, worms and garden of food and your potential future.

There is a groundswell revolution of saying “NO Thanks” to the companies who own everything from our soils to our seeds to our food and land, desecrating our health and our food sources.

When: 3pm-5pm Sunday 13th October 2024

Where: Hampton Uniting Church hall, at 17 Service Street Hampton

There will be tea and coffee plus biscuits available.

A $5 venue hire donation/contribution would be great and will be collected at the entrance.

Come and join us for our weekly meetings to collaborate, learn and see where you can help.

We need all hands on deck to create our new wellness community.

WOW international is all about working together as a powerful team.

Our aim is to gather 1 million members ASAP so we can truly create leverage and make the change and have the impact we all seek.

Looking forward to having another full room this week.

IV Vitamin C Course

Online IV Vitamin C workshops

Now available to anyone in Australia and New Zealand

Coming soon!

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