Welcome to World of Wellness International

Our founder's vision

Prof lan Brighthope, MD., FACNEM

WOW Founding Director

lan has acted as an advocate of doctors practicing Complementary Medicine for over 40 years. He has over 4 decades of experience treating patients as a doctor as well as training doctors and publishing books to give the general public a broad understanding of the importance of nutrition and ‘vitamin' therapies.

Professor Brighthope's lifelong ambition is to help change the way medicine and healthcare is practiced for the benefit of the public and to see nutrition, nutritional and environmental medicine and herbal medicine become the building blocks and keystones to world health and peace."

What we offer


Education is at the core of WOW's mission. We offer a professional level of training and certification for both medical professionals and lay people alike. This includes intravenous vitamin C workshops, courses on managing chronic conditions with vitamins and mineral, and enhancing home preparedness with first aid education.

Zoom interviews

Every fortnight we interview a person of interest, from traditional health professionals, to natural healers to community leaders. WOW members can ask questions via the chat function. These interviews are recorded then uploaded to the website, so members can watched them at any time.

Sunday events

WOW holds regular Sunday events in Melbourne. We in invite a range of health professionals to speak, from integrative GP's to natural therapists and entrepreneurs. After woods there is Q & A and a social catch up for our members.

Ian's interviews

Ian Brighthope is a prolific author, public speaker and educator. He is Australia's longest serving advocate for natural therapies, and has had a highly successful career both treating patients and conducting research. Ian began challenging health bureaucrats during the AIDS crisis and has proved repeatedly that boosting the bodies natural immune system is the most effective way to treat infectious diseases. Ian is regularly interviewed by Australian and international journalists where he shares his wealth of experience and a positive view of the future.


Ian's five published books are available to members as downloadable PDF's. We also have an extensive list of world class books to help you navigate todays world. These include books unveiling the secret networks of global corporate interests and linking the epidemic of chronic disease in the West with increasing exposure to man made chemicals. Books can give a voice to personal stories of grief and growth over the past four years. They can also show the way forward, for people who believe in free trade, free speech, personal responsibility and smaller governments.

Directory of services

Looking for a Doctor who will look at your entire health and take into consideration your personal values, not just tick boxes and flick you a script in two minutes? What about a dentist who understands the risks of heavy metals and instead works to build healthy gums that will support good dental health? We have a growing directory of modern health professionals, who's income comes from look after their own customers, not just rubber-stamping government policies.



Education is at the core of WOW's mission. We offer a professional level of training and certification for both medical professionals and lay people alike. This includes intravenous vitamin C workshops, courses on managing chronic conditions with vitamins and mineral, and enhancing home preparedness with first aid education.


Zoom interviews

Every fortnight we interview a person of interest, from traditional health professionals, to natural healers to community leaders. WOW members can ask questions via the chat function. These interviews are recorded then uploaded to the website, so members can watched them at any time.


Sunday events

WOW holds regular Sunday events in Melbourne. We in invite a range of health professionals to speak, from integrative GP's to natural therapists and entrepreneurs. After woods there is Q & A and a social catch up for our members.


Ian's interviews

Ian Brighthope is a prolific author, public speaker and educator. He is Australia's longest serving advocate for natural therapies, and has had a highly successful career both treating patients and conducting research. Ian began challenging health bureaucrats during the AIDS crisis and has proved repeatedly that boosting the bodies natural immune system is the most effective way to treat infectious diseases. Ian is regularly interviewed by Australian and international journalists where he shares his wealth of experience and a positive view of the future.



Ian's five published books are available to members as downloadable PDF's. We also have an extensive list of world class books to help you navigate todays world. These include books unveiling the secret networks of global corporate interests and linking the epidemic of chronic disease in the West with increasing exposure to man made chemicals. Books can give a voice to personal stories of grief and growth over the past four years. They can also show the way forward, for people who believe in free trade, free speech, personal responsibility and smaller governments.


Directory of services

Looking for a Doctor who will look at your entire health and take into consideration your personal values, not just tick boxes and flick you a script in two minutes? What about a dentist who understands the risks of heavy metals and instead works to build healthy gums that will support good dental health? We have a growing directory of modern health professionals, who's income comes from look after their own customers, not just rubber-stamping government policies.

Building a new Australia

Connecting with aligned communities

The World of Wellness is connected with the natural health and medical freedom groups around Australia.

Together we co host a number of events including book launches, medical conferences, overseas tours and fund raisers.

WOW has its finger on the pulse, and we keep our members up to date with
the latest medical and legal trends, both locally and abroad.

We also offer them a directory of aligned health services, from
integrative GP's to IV vitamin services. This enables people to quickly
and easily find the health practitioners that have their values.

Together we are building a new future for Australians. One where healthy
lifestyles and a wholistic approach to medical conditions are the main

The long term vision of WOW

Grass roots reform

WOW is not just a social group or an education platform. We don't just make video's about current affairs or react to the latest Canberra policies.

We are absolutely serious about changing the entire fabric of Australia's health industry. For too long it has been in the grip of out-of-touch bureaucrats and pharmaceutical-controlled lobby groups.

Both Doctors and patients have suffered as education and informed consent has been suffocated. Instead of asking questions both Doctors and patients are being increasingly told to just 'keep quiet' and 'follow orders'.

At the same time that bureaucrat salaries are gobbling up increasing large amounts of funding set aside for healthcare, profits for the global pharmaceutical industry are soaring.

Meanwhile, the health of our nation is deteriorating. Australians are now sicker, fatter and have higher rates of suicide than at any time during our nations history. Our bodies are overwhelmed and confused by a sea of pesticides, GMO foods, micro plastics, and artificially created pharmacy medications.

Good health is our birthright. Strong bodies and minds are how we build this nation.

WOW is looking to recruit a million members to help us drive this movement of reform.

Training the next generation

CPD points and tax deductions are available for health care professionals

All health professionals will be able to claim CPD points and tax deductions for our Wednesday Zooms, Sunday talks and training courses.

For example:

Our Vitamin C course is tax deductible and offers 5 hours of CPD points.

Watching our library of Zoom interviews with health professionals will contribute to CPD points.

The WOW $35 membership fee is tax deductible.

The $5 admission fee for Sunday talks is tax deductible.

Looking for IV cannulation courses? We have quality training providers we can refer you to.

Coming up

Join us today

Fellow Membership

Thank you for joining the World of Wellness as a 'Fellow!' Membership to WOW will give you access to a growing range of services, including:

  • A curated directory of wide ranging health professionals who support natural therapies and ethical patient focused care

  • Lists of healthy foods, herbs and vitamin suppliers and consumer health technology

  • On line courses on first aid and other courses

  • Information on the latest protocols for treating vaccine injuries

  • Academic papers and books proving the effectiveness of natural therapies

Fellow MembershipYour Details & Payment Information
No products available


Good living and longevity

Good living and longevity

The people who live in 'blue zones' or areas where the average lifespan is over 90 all share certain lifestyles; good food, close knit communities, regular exercise. ...more

Public blogs

February 28, 20242 min read

Vale Olivia Newton John

Vale Olivia Newton John

"Olivia led the focus on wellness and the importance of physical, emotional and spiritual support, not only for the person actually going through a cancer diagnosis but their carers, families and frie... ...more

Public blogs

February 28, 20242 min read

Solihin Millin – building a new future

Solihin Millin – building a new future

“The people in this room are the future of Australia.” – Solihin Millin. Solihin Millin has been blessed with many wonderful experiences. He was Dux of one of the best schools in South Africa Hilto... ...more

Sunday talks

January 25, 20241 min read

What our members say


Colby Hickey

"I enjoy the WOW meetings because they give me inspiration and motivation for my health. I started going to the meetings at the end of last year and have been almost every week since. They are a great way to be in a community of like-minded people. The lock-down period in Melbourne was very difficult for me and others- I felt isolated and not myself. The period of being in lock-down kept us more depressed and unable to stay positive. We lost our sense of hope. The community of the WOW group reminded us of our hope and gave me faith in the right direction once more. My outlook was improved greatly with the WOW meetings, thankfully."



"My Friend suggested the WOW to me as we shared the same feelings about the current Health system. I was welcomed with open hearts and an understanding not felt by our usual medical practitioners...There is a power in us that gets denied by the current health care and I congratulate the WOW for returning to real care for a Human Being. The World of Wellness is an important part of our life to share our journey of continued health and well-being through meeting like-minded people with a real interest in the individual and their personal and educational approach. The world needs an overhaul of the current system and I can see and feel that the WOW will be just that for the future."

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